Wednesday Jeff and I woke up to go to the doctor and as we left the house for our car we were greeted by quite the lovely sight. Three live peacocks were strolling around the backyard to send us on our way.
I took it as a good omen.
No less than an hour later we called our family and let them know to expect a baby girl come January.
Yup - it's a girl!
Jeff and I had talked about how fun a girl would be. But with only 2 girls out of 12 grandchildren on either side, we figured we were probably going to have a boy. So we were pretty excited when the ultrasound tech told us it was definitely a girl. I couldn't believe it. Either could Jeff - he asked if she knew because there was no 5th limb, haha, but the tech pointed out little baby girl parts and that there was no guessing involved.
This morning when I went to get some breakfast I saw the peafowl in the backyard again. I think they heard the news and wanted to congratulate us. (For clarification - Jeff's neighbors down the road own some peacocks and they like to wander - they weren't wild or anything). I caught a quick picture of one of them resting before they all took off.
After we left the doctor's, Jeff and I celebrated by buying a little sleeper for baby girl and my first pair of maternity jeans, haha. Later that night Jeff felt baby girl move for the first time which was really fun. Week 20 has been quite the week. I can't believe I'm already half way. There were a few things I didn't see coming with pregnancy though, like...
- Acne.
- A husband who is totally grossed out by everything pregnancy related - he was a little creeped out when he felt baby move, hahaha.
- Headaches and heartburn.
- How tired I would be - I've tried to get up and get going but can't pull myself out of bed.
- Nails growing really fast - great for me cause I am a nail biter and that allows me more chances to break the habit ;)
- Total disregard for jeans.
- Total disregard for food (at least during the beginning - and those of you who know me, that's quite the change).
- The CRAZY dreams.
- Peeing all the time - and I'm only half way there.
Can't wait for the next 20 :)