Yes, I start my homework at 10:40pm when it's due at 11pm (if I do it at all!)
Yes, I miss class I haven't been to in the last two weeks to take a test for a different class because it's the last available day, even though I had time to take it the day before.
Yes, I think I can do my makeup, brush my teeth, put on my clothes, eat breakfast, pack a lunch, change the laundry, and make the bed in the 5 minutes before I have to leave for school.
Yes, my senior project is tonight and i just barely finished getting my costume figured out yesterday.
Yes, tomorrow is the last day to order a cap and gown for graduation and I still haven't done it.
Yes, I am a procrastinator, and yes, thinking I might outgrow this characteristic seems a little far reaching, but a girls gotta hope!!
P.S. That senior project I mentioned? You should come :) It's gonna be awesome!